Thursday, March 26, 2009

Drums and guitar which one is harder?

between drum and guitar which one is harder to play and learn?
Drums and guitar which one is harder?
I think coordination needed to learn drums is harder than that needed for guitar by far.

Also it%26#039;s hard to find places where you can play drums, practice and rock out. Guitar is ok almost anywhere.
Drums and guitar which one is harder?
If your just going to play chords on the guitar then I%26#039;d say the drums, but if your going to play what I teach classical , acoustic, music notation, theory, and finger style .....then I%26#039;d say the guitar !!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:you would have to pit them deciding which genra of music they are the most complicated at. so make a list of them and decide which is harder.

thats the best i can do to help you with this question.

genra and technique

are those the same things.... i didnt think so but maybe.
Reply:Guitar by far but both take a lot of skill.
Reply:well drums, u obviously have to hit the drums with two sticks(looks so easy butisnt, cause u have to hit them realy realy fast and yes u muck p alot)

guitar.... well u kinda have to pluck the strings with ur fingers which will hurt.... but ull get used to in a while....

i dunno which one is harder?..... i think drums.
Reply:depending on if u want to march or play in a band...i think guitar because u have to remember where to put your hand and drum u have to set the depenting on what and where u r playing.
Reply:Drums is hard because you need to remember which drums and cymbals to hit, whilst keeping a beat. Guitar can be just as hard though, or harder, getting frets right without looking and singing at the same time. Also, if you learn classical/acoustic guitar it is harder because you have lots of fingering.
Reply:I say its the drums because you need coordination. I am a drummer myself and all the people that I have tried to teach just can%26#039;t play them because they can%26#039;t keep a steady rhythm on the hi-hats once they try to use the bass can%26#039;t play a beat using the hi-hats.Then again, when I try to pick up a guitar and play it, I find it really won%26#039;t get near a guitar anymore, I will just stick to drums! =]
Reply:well it depends on you. are you willing to put the effort, and practice in to just get a little better or are you the kind of person who likes to practice a little and hope to get better?

if you are willing to practice hard either one will be easy. i think guitar will be more rewarding and fun if you play for a long time. drums are fun and are a little harder to play at first butonce you understand how to play them it gets easier. in my opinion the drums after a while get boring and it gets harder to find something new, or a challenge. but the guitar always has something new to offer and you can always get better.

now if you dont have much time to practice or wont put in the effort i suggest drums. usually in a song the drums have a couple patterns that repeat them selfs. i think guitar would be much harder becuase to get better requires a lot more practice.

Overall i think the guitar is harder to play and learn, becuase of all the scales, and chords. also the really hard guitar solos.

i think the drums are easier becuase all you need is rhythm and the ability to count.( not like 1 2 3 4, more like keeping time).

But then everyone has a different opinion, it could be totally different for you
Reply:I%26#039;ve played both and I%26#039;d say the guitar is harder to learn and play.
Reply:Both are hard although, guitar is easiest to learn.

The problem, is that, it will take you more than one listen to master the guitar. Their are so many variation and techniques. On drums, you have to use independence + all your limbs. But at least, you don%26#039;t have to worry if you are playing out of tune or anythinh. You just have to worry about timing and creativity.On the guitar, you have to worry about this plus playing on the correct key and play in tune.
Reply:I play drums and I find it quite easy, but I think that%26#039;s because I played another musical instrument before so I got used to rhythm and how a song is made up.

It depends on how good your coordination is really

My brother plays guitar and he really enjoys it, but a lot of my friends have quit because they found it too hard

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