Thursday, March 26, 2009

Guitar learning part 2...?

OK, From what I%26#039;ve learned from my first question, it%26#039;s obvious that good guitar players are those who practice a lot....But after I play for 45 minutes or so the fingers of my left hand are too sore to continue. I%26#039;ve played off and on for years and I still get the sore fingers...

I play an acoustic guitar, which I know requires more finger pressure than an electric.

My question is...If I keep at it should I eventually expect to build up callouses such that I can practice without discomfort for more than 30-45 minutes at a time?
Guitar learning part 2...?
If you%26#039;ve played off and on for years you should have very thick callouses.....some of my students after six months have very good callouses.....maybe your not pressing hard enough.....and hour a day should do just fine and should give you nice callouses by now. By now you should be able to play without pain, maybe your not holding the guitar correctly, is your thumb in the middle of the back of the neck ????? Are your fingers perpendicular to the finger board ???? Try changing the gauge of your strings.....all of my students say that after about six months they have nice callouses and that their fingers don%26#039;t hurt like they did the first three months.....I%26#039;m not understanding why your fingers still hurt after years of playing unless your playing incorrectly for hours every day......somethings wrong, but it%26#039;s hard to tell what unless I saw you play.....are you still in school ? Is there a music teacher that you could talk to......or even someone who%26#039;s been playing for a long time, play for then maybe they can tell you what%26#039;s wrong.....sorry that I couldn%26#039;t help any more then this....but I would have to see you to tell what%26#039;s wrong......If you can%26#039;t consult a teacher or you don%26#039;t know someone who plays go to the Guitar Center they have professionals there who can maybe advise you as to what the problem is !!!!!!! Good luck !!!!!!!!
Guitar learning part 2...?
Yes, regular daily play will create hard callouses that will protect your fingers from hurting.
Reply:you will get use to it after a while
Reply:yes and start using a pluck
Reply:Hi Shannon

The problem is that your guitar action is too high and for that reason, you have problem building callouses.

What you need to do is put light gauge string or extra light . This will relieve some pressure on the guitar neck.. The neck will tend to straighten itself which will also lower the action.The reason is because, by putting light gauge or extra light gauge string, you are removing about 100 lbs of tension on the fingerboard.

This should make it easy for you to practice longer and perform better as well.

Good Luck !!! Let me know hot it turns out.

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